Is There an Easy Way to Buy White Coral in Ffxiv
How to Make Custom Deliveries in Final Fantasy XIV
Crafting and gathering might seem like busy work at times. But with Custom Delivers there can be an end goal to help the residents of Eorzea.
The latest major patch update for Final Fantasy XIV will release later this month and continue major Shadowbringers storylines. However, with Heavensward becoming free players may be jump-starting their careers by trying out all of the combat jobs or upgrading their weaponry. Others might be leveling their non-combat jobs to make some extra gil.
The level 60 Mor Dhona quest Go West, Craftsman will lead players to Geimlona in Idyllshire. She will introduce clients seeking Custom Deliveries. This involves crafting or gathering items while under the Collectable action acquired from the level 50 quest Inscrutable Tastes at Ishgard's Foundation X: 10, Y: 10.5.
Mechanics of Custom Deliveries in Final Fantasy XIV

There is a weekly limit of how many total Custom Deliveries can be filled: currently 6 per person and 12 among all of them. Characters will request one crafted item shared among all Disciples of the Hand, an item shared by Miners and Botanists, and one specific to Fishers. Once delivering the maximum amount, their satisfaction level will raise and the NPC will switch to the next set. After finishing all four static sets, the client will have a random set of requests available every week which can include a new fifth tier item. They will also allow players to Glamour their equipment, restricted to non-combat armor.
Each NPC will have certain collectability thresholds: the minimum is needed for them to even accept an item, while no further bonus rewards will be given for surpassing the maximum. The collectability stat is governed by Control for Disciples of the Hands and Perception for Disciples of the Land classes. This means that players should be equipped with their highest level gear with strong stat values.
Any acquired Yellow Scrips can be used to directly purchase level 70 tools and armor from Scrip Exchangers in major cities, Mor Dhona, Idyllshire, Rhalgr's Reach, or Sanana in Ruby Sea. Yellow Scrips can also be downgraded to Blue Scrip Tokens to buy level 60 gear. Some intermittent level gear may also be bought with Scrips, as quest rewards, or on a world's Market Boards often at a heavy premium.
The deliverable item is class agnostic, allowing players to create it with whichever of their Disciples of the Hand is highest, and then reap the rewards with a different class. When synthesizing an item it is important to reach the desired collectability stat by using actions that would normally improve Quality. This can include highly efficient ones like Precise Touch, or risky gambles with Hasty Touch. Also, be mindful that durability stays above zero by using Waste Not and Master's Mend.
Mining and Botany
Collectibles have their own special mechanics for these gathering classes. The collectability stat will improve with the use of Appraisal actions that can multiply Perception by 50%-150%. Most of these (but not all) will decrease the Wear stat, making it harder to gather more items. This typically means that to balance the desired Perception and Wear each single node will likely yield between 2-4 items before being spent.
Collectables will be among the random pool of fishable items. While not mandatory, Patience will give bonus Perception but lower the chance of successfully hooking a catch. Precision Hookset will negate this penalty on small fish that only tug lightly on the line, and Powerful Hookset will do the same for fish that tug strongly. One should rarely ever Mooch, as this will likely lead to a non-deliverable rare fish. Because every catch is unpredictable, it is important to have lots of inventory space; it is even possible to obtain future Custom Delivery items while aiming for lower-tier ones, or while pursuing other collectible fish.
Custom Delivery Clients in Final Fantasy XIV

There are only a select few NPCs who need the player's assistance, some of whom have specific requirements to meet and build trust.
Zhloe Aliapoh
Geimlona will quickly bring players to Zhole in the Hard Place. She will seek out items that are between levels 57-60. Crafted items can be made by buying items from the Scrap Salvager over at X: 6, Y: 7. Zhloe will request the following items in order as satisfaction increases:
- Near Eastern Antique, 55-382 collectability
- Coerthan Souvenir, 57-425 collectability
- Maelstrom Material, 59-470 collectability
- Heartfelt Gift, 63-534 collectability
- Orphanage Donation (max satisfaction), 68-604 collectability
- Dated Radz-at-Han Coin, Dravanian Hinterlands, 240-400
- Ice Stalagmite, Coerthas Western Highlands, 240-400 collectability
- Duskfall Moss, Churning Mists, 240-440 collectability
- Glass Eye, Sea of Clouds, 240-440 collectability
- Rainbow Pigment (max satisfaction), Dravanian Forelands, 240-460 collectability
- Thavnairian Leaf, Dravanian Hinterlands, 175-330 collectability
- Ghost Faerie, Coerthas Western Highlands, 15-29 collectability
- Red Sky Coral, Sea of Clouds, 329-620 collectability
- Lover's Clam, Churning Mists, 45-85 collectability
- River Shrimp (max satisfaction), Dravanian Forelands, 75-142 collectability
M'naago is a major supporting character in Stormblood and will start requesting requisitions after completing the level 70 main story quest Return of the Bull, followed by two level 60 side quests Reach Long and Prosper and None Forgotten, None Forsaken both in Rhalgr's Reach. Unlike other customers, M'naago will not allow herself to be Glamoured at full satisfaction levels, likely due to her being a story critical NPC. To craft her requested items seek out the Material Supplier at X: 9.5, Y: 11.7. Her needed items can be made from levels 60-63 and are as follows (with location if gathered):
- Gyr Abanian Souvenir, 157-471 collectability
- Far Eastern Antique, 167-502 collectability
- Gold Saucer Consolation Prize, 130-624 collectability
- M Tribe Sundries, 130-663 collectability
- Resistance Material (max satisfaction), 104-751 collectability
- Starcrack Sand, The Fringes, 240-400 collectability
- Shishu Koban, Ruby Sea, 240-400 collectability
- Cotter Dynasty Relic, The Fringes, 240-440 collectability
- Peaks Pigment, The Peaks, 240-440 collectability
- Yellow Kudzu Root (max satisfaction), The Peaks, 240-460 collectability
- Gyr Abanian Chub, The Fringes, 41-77 collectability
- Coral Horse, Ruby Sea, 41-77 collectability
- Maiden Heart, Yanxia, 49-92 collectability
- Velodyna Salmon, The Fringes, 481-898 collectability
- Purple Buckler (max satisfaction), The Peaks, 129-241 collectability
Kurenai is a character primarily showcased in a series of side quests in the Ruby Sea. One will need to have completed None Forgotten, None Forsaken, along with several quests in the region starting at level 62: The Palace of Lost Souls, Fathoms Below, A Part of Your World, The Elixir of Life, The Two Princesses of Sui-no-Sato, and finally The Seaweed is Always Greener. Crafted items can be made from materials bought from the Blue Merchant at X: 28, Y: 17. Her items can be made or found at levels 62-64.
- Gyr Abanian Remedies, 195-585 collectability
- Antishark Harpoon, 195-585 collectability
- Cold Weather Gear, 130-670 collectability
- Sui-no-Sato Special, 130-710 collectability
- Cloud Pearl (max satisfaction), 110-780 collectability
- Pinch of Active Ingredients, The Peaks, 240-400 collectability
- Harpoon Head, The Fringes, 240-400 collectability
- Phial of Thermal Fluid, Coerthas Western Highlands, 240-440 collectability
- Shisui Jewel, Ruby Sea, 240-440 collectability
- Cloudkin Feather (max satisfaction), Churning Mists, 240-460 collectability
- Curefish, Gyr Abania, 123-230 collectability
- Lake Sphairai, Gyr Abania, 409-763 collectability
- Warmscale Pleco, Coerthas Western Highlands, 303-566 collectability
- Shirogane Clam, Ruby Sea, 63-118 collectability
- Illuminati Mask (max satisfaction), Churning Mists, 135-252 collectability
Adkiragh is a native of Azim that has taken up residence in Idyllshire and disguised himself in pig attire. His deliveries can be unlocked after the level 65 main story quest A Season for War, followed by the side quest Purbol Rain in Azim Steppe, and Between a Rock and the Hard Place in Idyllshire. His booth is in the same building as Zhloe, and materials can also be purchased from the Scrap Salvager. He will request items from levels 66-68:
- Ishgardian Culinary Essentials, 233-700 collectability
- Fermented Juice, 233-700 collectability
- Decorative Furnishings, 161-821 collectability
- Signature Buuz Cookware, 161-773 collectability
- Arkhi Brewing Set (max satisfaction), 125-900 collectability
- Sparkstone, Ruby Sea, 240-400 collectability
- Malleable Still Material, Yanxia, 240-450 collectability
- Strong Steppe Spice, Azim Steppe, 240-480 collectability
- Hard Place Furnishing Materials, The Lochs, 240-500 collectability
- Sturdy Vat Material (max satisfaction), Yanxia/The Fringes, 240-515 collectability
- Northern Oyster, Coerthas Western Highlands, 41-77 collectability
- Ruby Laver, Ruby Sea, 49-93 collectability
- Chakrafish, The Fringes, 135-254 collectability
- Wicked Wartfish, Ruby Sea, 299-561 collectability
- Othardian Salmon (max satisfaction), Yanxia, 161-301 collectability
Kai-Shirr is a reoccurring character involved around Eulmore's plotline. He will start asking for deliveries after the level 80 main story quest Moving Forward after completion of Shadowbringers, followed by two level 70 Eulmore side quests: The Boutique Always Wins and Oh Beehive Yourself. He is trying to refurbish the Beehive, Final Fantasy XIV's version of the Honey Bee Inn from Final Fantasy VII. Materials for his items can be bought from Dadden at the Aetheryte Plaza. Kai-Shirr's requests will consist of items from levels 70-73:
- Flyer Printing Set, 233-700 collectability
- Kholusian Cuisine Set, 233-700 collectability
- Honeybee Trappings, 161-773 collectability
- Airship Fitting Materials, 161-821 collectability
- Beehive Souvenir (max satisfaction), 125-900 collectability
- Raven Coral, Khoulusia, 240-400 collectability
- Amh Araeng Seasonings, Amh Araeng, 240-450 collectability
- Cinquant Stones, Il Mheg, 240-480 collectability
- Airship Fitting Components, Amh Araeng, 240-500 collectability
- Kholusian Misscellany (max satisfaction), Kholusia, 240-515 collectability
- Laxan Inkhorn, Lakeland, 49-93 collectability
- White Oil Perch, Kholusia, 59-112 collectability
- Faeshire Clam, Il Mheg, 49-93 collectability
- Areng Dire, Amh Araeng, 399-741 collectability
- Kholusian King Crab (max satisfaction), Kholusia, 199-370
These are the current characters seeking Custom Deliveries. But, Square Enix releases major update patches every few months and it is common for additional NPCs to appear and have new objectives for aspiring crafters and gatherers.
Final Fantasy XIV A Realm Reborn , Heavensward , Stormblood , and Shadowbringers are available now on PC and PlayStation 4.
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